Chiropractic Care and Neck Pain FAQs from a Chiropractor Near You

Dealing with chronic neck pain due to an injury, trauma, or even a herniated disc, can be extremely debilitating. The good news is, at Chiropractic of Bellevue, your chiropractor in Bellevue, WA, we want to help ensure you have access to the best neck pain treatment near you. Read on for more information about neck pain and how to help get relief.


What Are the Symptoms of Neck Pain?

Neck pain symptoms will vary from person to person, based on the root cause of their pain. However, the most common symptoms associated with neck pain include:

  • Muscle Stiffness: Reduced flexibility and range of motion in the neck
  • Pain: Pain, inflammation, and radiating discomfort between the arms, shoulders, and neck
  • Tingling and Numbness: Radiating tingling and numbness may indicate compressed nerves or, in some cases, herniated or bulging discs
  • Headaches: Chronic headaches may occur due to neck strain or disc compression, often referred to as cervicogenic headaches

What Causes Neck Pain?

The most prevalent causes of traditional neck pain include:

  • Tension and Stress: Emotional stress has the power to trigger neck tension along with spinal tension in some cases
  • Inherited Conditions: Inherited conditions such as DDD, or Degenerative Disc Disease, herniated discs, or cervical spondylosis can trigger chronic neck pain
  • Posture: Poor posture from strain, sitting too long, or standing improperly for an extended time
  • Strain: Muscle strain from heavy lifting or repetitive overuse
  • Injuries: Whiplash and blunt-force trauma

How Can Chiropractic Care Address Neck Pain?

  • Soft Tissue Therapy: Massage therapy techniques improve blood flow and circulation while relieving muscle tension
  • Exercises: Stretching and strengthening exercises improve flexibility and provide increased strength
  • Adjustments: Spinal adjustments reduce pain and irritation while realigning the cervical spine in the neck area
  • Posture: Posture realignments and ergonomic advice can help prevent further injuries and strain in the future 

Get Chiropractic Care and Neck Pain Treatment Near You from a Chiropractor Near You

Work together with our team at Chiropractic of Bellevue, your chiropractor in Bellevue, WA, to help prevent reinjury or the worsening of any damage or injury you've already sustained. To learn more about treatment options for neck pain and to work with a chiropractor you can trust, contact us today. Call us at (425) 802-5432 for chiropractic care and neck pain treatment near you from a chiropractor near you.


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